Zi-lu, when travelling with , fell behind. He met an old man, carrying a basket on a staff over his shoulder.
Zi-lu asked, “Have you seen my Master?”
The old man said, “You seem neither to have toiled with your limbs nor to be able to tell one kind of grain from another. Who may your Master be?” He planted his staff in the ground and started weeding.
Zi-lu stood, cupping one hand respectfully in the other.
The old man invited Zi-lu to stay for the night. He killed a chicken and prepared some millet for his guest to eat, and presented his two sons to him.
The next day, Zi-lu resumed his journey and reported this conversation. The Master said, “He must be a recluse.” He sent Zi-lu back to see him again. When he arrived, the old man had departed.
Zi-lu commented, “Not to enter public life is to ignore one’s duty. Even the proper regulation of old and young cannot be set aside. How, then, can the duty between ruler and subject be set aside? This is to cause confusion in the most important of human relationships simply because one desired to keep unsullied one’s character. The gentleman takes office in order to do his duty. As for putting the Way into practice, he knows all along that it is hopeless.”
子路跟隨著孔子出行而落後了,途中遇見一位老人,他用拐杖扛著除草的竹器。子路上前問道:「你看見過我的老師嗎?」老人說:「你手足不勞動,五榖也不能分辨,誰是你的老師?」便扶著拐杖去除草。子路拱手恭敬地站著。後來老人留子路在家住宿,還殺雞做飯來招待子路,又叫他的二個兒子出來拜見子路。 第二天,子路辭行,趕上了孔子,並把昨天的事告訴了孔子。孔子說:「那是一位隱士啊!」教子路回去再拜見他。子路到老人的家,老人卻出去了。子路便對老人的兩個兒子說:「不出來替國家做事,就是廢棄了君臣大義。長幼的禮節,不可以廢棄,君臣的大義,又怎麼可以廢棄呢?為了想保持自身的高潔,而悖亂了君臣的大倫。所以君子出來做事,是實行君臣的大義。至於政治理想不能實現,那是我早已知道的了。」
4、楊伯峻 今譯,劉殿爵 英譯,《論語》(Confucius The Analects),聯經出版事業,Chinese-English edition,2009。