



Zi-zhang asked Confucius, “What must a man be like before he can take part in government?”

The Master said, “If he exalts the five excellent practices and eschews the four wicked practices, he can take part in government.”

Zi-zhang said, “What is meant by the five excellent practices?”

The Master said, “The gentleman is generous without its costing him anything, works others hard without their complaining, has desires without being greedy, is at ease without being arrogant, and is awe-inspiring without looking fierce.”

Zi-zhang said, “What is meant by ‘being generous without its costing him anything?”

The Master said, “If a man benefits the common people by taking advantage of the things around them that they find beneficial, is this not being generous without its costing him anything? If a man, in working others hard, chooses burdens they can support, who will complain? If, desiring benevolence, a man obtains it, where is the greed? The gentleman never dare neglect his manners whether he be dealing with the many or the few, the young or the old. Is this not being at ease without being arrogant? The gentleman, with his robe and cap adjusted properly and dignified in his gaze, has a presence which inspires people who see him with awe. Is this not being awe-inspiring without looking fierce?”

Zi-zhang said, “What is meant by the four wicked practices?”

The Master said, “To impose the death penalty without first reforming the people is to be cruel; to expect results without first giving warning is to be tyrannical; to insist on a time limit when tardy in issuing orders is to cause injury. When something has to be given to others anyway, to be miserly in the actual giving is to be officious.”






















4、楊伯峻  今譯,劉殿爵  英譯,《論語》(Confucius The Analects),聯經出版事業,Chinese-English edition,2009。


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