The Master said, “Wealth and high station are what men desire, but unless I got them in the right way I would not abide in them. Poverty and low station are what men dislike, but even if I did not get them in the right way I would not try to take myself away from them.’ If the gentleman forsakes benevolence, wherein can he make a name for himself? The gentleman never deserts benevolence, not even for as long as it takes to eat a meal. If he hurries and stumbles, one may be sure that it is in benevolence that he does so.”
孔子說:「有錢有地位,這是人人都想望的,但如果不是用仁道的方式得來,君子是不接受的;貧窮低賤,這是人人都厭惡的, 但如果不是用仁道的方式擺脫,君子是不擺脫的。君子一旦離開 了仁道,還怎麼成就好名聲呢?所以,君子任何時候—一哪怕是 在吃完一頓飯的短暫時間裡也不離開仁道,倉促匆忙的時候是這樣,顛沛流离的時候也是這樣。」
4、楊伯峻 今譯,劉殿爵 英譯,《論語》(Confucius The Analects),聯經出版事業,Chinese-English edition,2009。