





Zi-zhang asked, “Ling Ying Zi-wen gave no appearance of pleasure when he was made prime minister three times. Neither did he give any appearance of displeasure when he was removed from office three times. He always told his successor what he had done during his term of office. What do you think of this?”

The Master said, “He can, indeed, be said to be a man who does his best.”

“Can he be said to be benevolent?”

“He cannot even be said to be wise. How can he be said to be benevolent?”

“When Cui Zi assassinated the Lord of Qi, Chen Wen Zi who owned ten teams of four horses each abandoned them and left the state. On arriving in another state, he said, ‘The officials here are no better than our Counsellor Cui Zi.’ He left and went to yet another state. Once more, he said, ‘The officials here are no better than our Counsellor Cui Zi,’ and he again left. What do you think of this?”

The Master said, “He can, indeed, be said to be pure.”

“Can he be said to be benevolent?”

“He cannot even be said to be wise. How can he be said to be benevolent?”















子張問道:「令尹子文三次上台就任令尹,沒有高興的樣子; 三次被罷免,沒有怨憤的臉色。交接工作時,總是把自己任令尹 的政事一一告知新任令尹的人。這個人怎麼樣呢?」孔子說:「可算是盡忠於國家了!」子張說:「算不算是仁呢?」孔子說:「我不知道,這怎能算是仁呢?」子張又問道:「崔杼弒齊莊公,當時齊國大夫陳文子有四十匹馬,也都捨棄不要,離開齊國,到了另一個國家,就說:『這兒的大臣,跟我們大夫崔子差不多!』便又離開那兒,再到另一國去,他又說:『這兒的大臣,還是跟我們大夫崔子差不多!』於是又離開這一國。這個人怎樣呢?」孔子說:「算是清高了。」子張說:「算不算是仁呢?」孔子說:「我不知道,這怎能算是仁呢?」










4、楊伯峻  今譯,劉殿爵  英譯,《論語》(Confucius The Analects),聯經出版事業,Chinese-English edition,2009。


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