



The gentleman avoided using dark purple, and maroon coloured silk for lapels and cuffs. Red and violet coloured silks were not used for informal dress. When, in the heat of summer, he wore an unlined robe made of either fine or coarse material, he invariably wore it over an underrobe to set it off. Under a black jacket, he wore lambskin ; under an undyed jacket, he wore fawnskin ; under a yellow jacket, he wore fox fur. His informal fur coat was long but with a short right sleeve. He invariably had a night shirt which came down to his knees. Their fur being thick, pelts of the fox and the badger were used as rugs. Once the period of mourning was over, he placed no restrictions on the kind of ornament that he wore. Other than skirts for ceremonial occasions,  everything else was made up from cut pieces.

Lambskin coats and black caps were not used on visits of condolence. On New Year’s Day, he invariably went to court in court dress.






















孔子不把深青、絳色作領口、袖口的滾邊,不用紅色和紫色做居家的便服。 夏天暑熱,穿葛布的單衣,裡面必穿內衣,冬天,外面穿黑上衣,裡面配黑羊皮的袍子,穿白上衣,裡面配白鹿皮的袍子,穿黃上衣,裡面配黃狐皮的袍子。在家穿的皮袍要長,右邊的袖子短,便於做事。蓋的被子,比身體長ㄧ倍半。狐貉的皮毛厚,用以做坐墊。喪服已除,任何飾物都可以佩戴。除了祭祀穿的用整幅布做的裙子外,其餘的裙子,一定要斜幅縫製。不穿戴黑皮袍、黑色禮帽去弔喪。每月初一,必定穿朝服去上朝。









4、楊伯峻  今譯,劉殿爵  英譯,《論語》(Confucius The Analects),聯經出版事業,Chinese-English edition,2009。


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