



Zi-lu said, “If the Lord of Wei left the administration (zheng) of his state to you, what would you put first?”

The Master said, “If something has to be put first, it is, perhaps, the rectification (zheng) of names.”

Zi-lu said, “How extraordinary the roundabout way you take! Why bring rectification in at all?”

The Master said, “You, how boorish you are. Where a gentleman is ignorant, one would expect him not to offer any opinion. When names are not correct, what is said will not sound reasonable; when what is said does not sound reasonable, affairs will not culminate in success; when affairs do not culminate in success, rites and music will not flourish; when rites and music do not flourish, punishments will not be exactly right; when punishments are not exactly right, the common people will not know where to put hand and foot. Thus when the gentleman names something, the name is sure to be usable in speech, and when he says something this is sure to be practicable. The thing about the gentleman is that he is anything but casual where speech is concerned.”























4、楊伯峻  今譯,劉殿爵  英譯,《論語》(Confucius The Analects),聯經出版事業,Chinese-English edition,2009。


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